Monday, May 30, 2011

Six Steps To a Hot Body Like Courteney Cox's Bikini Body

Six Steps to Courteney Cox's Hot Bikini Body

Photo by Angela Weiss – property of and © 2011 Getty Images –See Cox's Bikini Body and get Original StoryHere.

 This summer some people are going to flaunt a sexy hot body while others will be on the sideline just looking on and may even shout OMG!  Speaking of OMG! OMG.Yahoo has an article featuring Courteney Cox’s bikini body.

At 46 Cox is sporting a hot body, and the author Lizbeth Scordo, referred to her as “hot mama Courteney Cox.”  She also begs the question, “but how does she stay in such great shape?”  Courteney may have had some eating challenges in the past. However, this time, Lizbeth, credited trainer Michele Lovitt, as the one whose training routines with Cox helps her keep that bikini body.

Apparently, Lizbeth has several routines that she takes Courteney through. Below are six exercises from one of the routine Lizbeth does with Cox to maintain her hot body.  The 6 exercises sound like basic exercises until you read the instructions.

They are, in my opinion not for the majority of people who are carrying some extra weight and who have never set foot in a gym.  I had a hard time understanding the instructions and doing them comfortably, maybe it was the terminology used.  I guess that is why you’d need a personal trainer to work with you.

The six exercises for this particular bikini body routine are:
1.      Squats
2.      One Legged Deadlifts
3.      Reverse lunges
4.      Supermans
5.      Chair Pose
6.      Half Moon Pose
 I thought it was just me who had a difficult time understanding the instructions, until I read some of the posted comments, one in particular by Nonparieldolls.  I totally agree with her.  Here is a part of her comment:
 “If anyone actually reads the article, it is a joke, right? I'd like to see the average person who could perform those "simple" exercises. Especially from the description given, with no pictures. And I most especially would NOT want to see someone seriously overweight attempt one of them, not without paramedics standing by.”

Some of the posted comments mentioned Courteney’s money and not having a regular 9-5 as to her hot bikini body.  That maybe so; however, I have a friend in her mid 50’s with a very hot body.  She works a regular 9-5 and works hard.  One difference is that she doesn’t have any kids and oh, she is now single.  This particular friend has been able to maintain her youthful figure with a strict, disciplined life style.

She eats healthy wholesome meals and rarely eats after 7:00pm.  After 7:00pm it would be shakes, nuts or fruits, if she gets hungry.  She has some basic exercises that she does every day, including stretching.

She also walks for 45 minutes to 1 hour (her short walk) at least 3 times a week and would put in what she calls her long walk which is for 2 hours once a week.  I have been out on her long walks on several occasions and they lasted 21/2 hours long.  Now that may be extreme for some of you, but it is what she does to keep a hot body.

She makes those sacrifices, she doesn’t pay a trainer.  She uses basic common sense, discipline and dedication.  She makes the time to go walking.  She doesn’t find time, she makes it.  Now I understand some of you may not have the discipline to make time walk for an hour or control your eating habits.

But what if, you make a little change in maybe cutting out or cut down your daily $5.00 coffee or cigarettes or weekly alcohol or daily fast food run, and with the money you saved, you do what T. Whiteman did?   Ms. Whiteman did a little change in her hectic lifestyle, and now she is slimmer, well sexier, with a hot body.  She is also healthier, happier and richer and so can you.  Check out what Ms. Whitemanand her associates are doing here.

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