Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How to Burn Fat

Some Easy Ways To Burn Fat

Are you suffering from obesity and just can't seem to burn fat and lose weight, even with a healthy diet and exercise plan?  I may have a solution for you.  

Let’s call this the answer to your premonition to burn fat.  In other words you can choose to make use of this information and in so doing you can change your physical reality just like Cala pictured above.

But first what are you or were you doing to burn fat.  Studies have shown over and over again that one of the best ways to burn fat and lose weight is to engage in activities that put the whole body to work.

Some great physical activities to burn fat are: dancing, walking, swimming, running, aerobics, rowing, cycling and cleaning around the house. Another top one is cleaning your garage out. 

Hey doing yard work, you're able to is also great. In other words anything that engages your whole body for at-least 15 minutes continuously, will gradually burn fat.  The longer and more intense you do them, the more fat you will burn.

As you get stronger with more stamina you should increase the duration and intensity of the activity.  The idea here is to engage in doing activities that put your whole body to work. 
One crucial tit-bit here to burn fat is to make the activities, fun loving endeavors that you do consistently 3 to 4 times per week for 30 to 45 minutes continuously. A word of caution, because you are not doing a high intense work program it may take up to 12 weeks before you see significant changes.  Just don't quit.

If you haven't heard this yet, others will see that changes before you do.

Coming back to your own program, the longer you can do the activities while having fun, the better results you will have. Go walking for the fun of it. Go do some aerobics for the fun of it. Get active for the fun of it.  If you can’t do 15 minutes continuously, then do 5 minutes, every day for a week.  Then go to 7 minutes, then 10 minutes, etc.

Dance around your house for the fun of it every chance you get. Do it or join a dance class.  Don’t stress yourself out to burn fat. Don’t stress yourself out on starvation diets to lose weight. Watch this video.  You can still have fun and feel sexy. Yes try something New.

Yes, try something new for fun. Don't stress, if you do you will burn yourself out, mentally, emotionally and psychologically real quick.  And before you know it, you have given up and your metabolism will respond in the opposite way and you will gain more weight.   

Another crucial tit-bit to burn fat is to start slow and gradually work your way up in length of time and duration of doing the activity.  So let’s take a look at walking.

On your first day, just go walking somewhere safe for at least 15 minutes.  You won't need any special gears or equipment. But do take your cell phone with you. Walk one direction for 5 minutes turn around and walk back.  If you need to take a break, do so for 2 minutes, and then start over.  You won't need any music either.  Today is observation day.

While walking to burn fat, observe nature, the things around you, and the people whom you meet.  Look around you and observe any and everything that you can be appreciative of and be grateful that you are able to be out doing that activity. 

Now I understand that your schedule and daily activities may not provide you with the luxury to take good care of your health and burn fat.  And in that situation, I’d like to introduce what Cala did to drastically change her life, her health and overweight situation and to burn fat with ease.

Go here now, to “how to lose weight in a week.”  You will also find the stories of other people just like Cala who have successfully use the same program to burn fat and take care of their stubborn weight problems.  Ok, get the free info now at how to lose weight in a week.  Do come back often as I will expound on each of the activities mentioned above.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Six Steps To a Hot Body Like Courteney Cox's Bikini Body

Six Steps to Courteney Cox's Hot Bikini Body

Photo by Angela Weiss – property of and © 2011 Getty Images –See Cox's Bikini Body and get Original StoryHere.

 This summer some people are going to flaunt a sexy hot body while others will be on the sideline just looking on and may even shout OMG!  Speaking of OMG! OMG.Yahoo has an article featuring Courteney Cox’s bikini body.

At 46 Cox is sporting a hot body, and the author Lizbeth Scordo, referred to her as “hot mama Courteney Cox.”  She also begs the question, “but how does she stay in such great shape?”  Courteney may have had some eating challenges in the past. However, this time, Lizbeth, credited trainer Michele Lovitt, as the one whose training routines with Cox helps her keep that bikini body.

Apparently, Lizbeth has several routines that she takes Courteney through. Below are six exercises from one of the routine Lizbeth does with Cox to maintain her hot body.  The 6 exercises sound like basic exercises until you read the instructions.

They are, in my opinion not for the majority of people who are carrying some extra weight and who have never set foot in a gym.  I had a hard time understanding the instructions and doing them comfortably, maybe it was the terminology used.  I guess that is why you’d need a personal trainer to work with you.

The six exercises for this particular bikini body routine are:
1.      Squats
2.      One Legged Deadlifts
3.      Reverse lunges
4.      Supermans
5.      Chair Pose
6.      Half Moon Pose
 I thought it was just me who had a difficult time understanding the instructions, until I read some of the posted comments, one in particular by Nonparieldolls.  I totally agree with her.  Here is a part of her comment:
 “If anyone actually reads the article, it is a joke, right? I'd like to see the average person who could perform those "simple" exercises. Especially from the description given, with no pictures. And I most especially would NOT want to see someone seriously overweight attempt one of them, not without paramedics standing by.”

Some of the posted comments mentioned Courteney’s money and not having a regular 9-5 as to her hot bikini body.  That maybe so; however, I have a friend in her mid 50’s with a very hot body.  She works a regular 9-5 and works hard.  One difference is that she doesn’t have any kids and oh, she is now single.  This particular friend has been able to maintain her youthful figure with a strict, disciplined life style.

She eats healthy wholesome meals and rarely eats after 7:00pm.  After 7:00pm it would be shakes, nuts or fruits, if she gets hungry.  She has some basic exercises that she does every day, including stretching.

She also walks for 45 minutes to 1 hour (her short walk) at least 3 times a week and would put in what she calls her long walk which is for 2 hours once a week.  I have been out on her long walks on several occasions and they lasted 21/2 hours long.  Now that may be extreme for some of you, but it is what she does to keep a hot body.

She makes those sacrifices, she doesn’t pay a trainer.  She uses basic common sense, discipline and dedication.  She makes the time to go walking.  She doesn’t find time, she makes it.  Now I understand some of you may not have the discipline to make time walk for an hour or control your eating habits.

But what if, you make a little change in maybe cutting out or cut down your daily $5.00 coffee or cigarettes or weekly alcohol or daily fast food run, and with the money you saved, you do what T. Whiteman did?   Ms. Whiteman did a little change in her hectic lifestyle, and now she is slimmer, well sexier, with a hot body.  She is also healthier, happier and richer and so can you.  Check out what Ms. Whitemanand her associates are doing here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stress Management

Do You Need Some Stress Management?

Are you stressed out from job, business, family, relationship and unemployment etc.?  Does it look like there is no way out and the bills aren’t going to be paid? Is Job demand and family demands taking too much out of you? Things may seem bleak now but you have a lot more control over managing stress than you think.

Of course you may think that there is nothing you can do about the job stressors, but that’s not necessarily true. According to Melinda Smith, M.A., Ellen Jaffe-Gill, M.A., and Robert Segal, M.A contributing authors to HELPGUIDE.org,Managing your stress level is all about taking charge: taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems.”

With some planning and some sacrifice you can balance your life and manage your stress with time for work, family relationships, relaxation, and fun – plus the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head on with ease and thus reducing your stress level.

Earlier today I was on a phone conferencing call with some very excited business partners.  It turned out that the majority of the call leaders and some of the guest speakers were in Jamaica. Yes, celebrating their free trip from the parent company for certain achievement. They are all living a somewhat stress free life style but it has not always been that way.

One lady in particular, Cala had a heart wrenching story.  She said, she got into Network Marketing, with a skin care company right after college.  She did well but many people had a hard time selling the products and the business.   

Before long she was losing money.  She then went into the retail business and again did well.  Then came along family and kids, but she endured. She opened another store and before she knew it she was spending a lot more time away from her family.

The stress became more demanding and she started gaining weight.  She tried several weight loss products to no avail.  She was about to give up when she was introduce to this company.  Half halfheartedly she tried the products and lost 13 lbs in 8 days and went on to lose 44 pounds in 90 days, with ease

That prompted her to start sharing what she was doing with others, which led to her making money on a daily basis and eventually to a practically stress free life style.  she now spends a lot more time with her family and a lot less time on managing stress.  You can find out more stories similar to Cala's at weight loss stories.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Why You Need to Lose Belly Fat

Why You Need to Lose Your Excess Belly Fat Now.`

Lisa Collier Cool wrote a very informative article for Yahoo!Health, entitled, Body FatPercentage—The Best Measure of Health Risks. What I got from the article is that you need to lose your belly fat, if you have any. 

She opened the article with, “did you know that a big belly is as dangerous to your health as smoking a pack of cigarettes daily or having high cholesterol?” 

I have heard that statement before, but Lisa went on to tell about a study the Mayo Clinic research team did on CAD patients with central obesity.  I have posted the result below. 

She went on to write that, “People with clogged arteries and a wide waistline are nearly twice as likely to die prematurely, even if their body mass index (BMI) is normal.”  This was in accordance to a study published in the May 10 issue of Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
She wrote, “that one of the Mayo Clinic researchers’ most surprising findings was that as BMI went up, risk of death from CAD actually went down, thus confirming the so-called “obesity paradox” observed in some earlier studies.” 

The Mayo Clinic researchers have been diligently studying the hazards of obesity in relations to BMI.  “The study compared measures of overall obesity (BMI) and measures of central obesity (waist-to-hip ratio and waist circumference).” 

The study had some alarming conclusion.  It found that, “CAD patients with central obesity (belly fat) were 70 percent more likely to die during the study period, which had an average of 2.3 years of follow-up.” 

The study also shed some light on the following 3 points of why you need to lose belly fat

(1).   There are people with belly fat whose weight may look normal but their bodies behave like they are obese, due to belly fat. 

(2).   Many of these people are unaware that they’re at increased risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

(3).  If your waist circumference or waist-to-hip ratio are too high, slimming down could save your life. Shedding as little as five percent of your body weight (7.5 pounds for a 150 pound person) improves blood pressure and cholesterol and helps prevent diabetes and heart disease. You’ll also look and feel better.

I don't know what your weight or physical condition is like; however, if you are carrying excessive belly fat around your waist, you may wan to lose that belly fat now. Likewise, if you haven't signed in to get your free weight loss booklet, go ahead and do so now.  You will find some great information on how to start your weight loss journey.

Monday, May 16, 2011

How Does Controling Your Emotions Help to Burn Fat and Lose Weight?

 Can Emotional Maturity Help You to Burn Fat and Lose Weight?

You are probably unaware that in order for your body to burn fat and lose weight properly, you need to be in some type of emotional state. You are probably unaware of the relationship between your emotions and the way your metabolism burns fat, creates healthy weight loss and weight management.

It maybe hard to believe but successful weight loss goes hand in hand with your emotional sense of well being.  It creates-

Emotional Maturity:  “There will be circumstances-and yes, people-that may lead you to feel angry, and exasperated.”  However, “no one can make you  feel angry, frustrated, resentful or any other emotion.  Other people say what they say and do what they do.  What you say and do is up to you.”

If you think someone made you upset or angry,don't run to the store and buy all the cheese cake you can find and eat them in one sitting.
In other words don't turn to eating because you are upset.

Don't over indulge in your favorite chocolate cake because you feel angry.
Don't eat all the pies you can find then play couch potato because some one made you frustrated.

Don't go drinking all the beers you can get your hands on because you think you are upset.

A healthy spirit creates a healthy attitude which creates a healthy altitude that can motivate you to a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight management.  And if you are practicing successful and healthy weight management, you will burn fat and lose the weight with ease.

But just in case and I mean just in case you have gone beyond the point of being able to manage your weight, but haven't given up completely on losing weight, I have something special for at Best weight loss today

I have also got other stories for you that you need to know about at my Site/Map.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How To lose Weight Quick

How To Quick Weight Loss
Are you one of many people having difficulty losing  1-2 pounds a week? If you are, don't be jealous of David Whitaker.  He had rapid weight loss, to the tune of 34 pounds in 60 days.  He and many others recently took part in Xyngular Corporation, 60 Day Body Transformational contest.  And you can experience how to lose weight quick too.
The contestants all experienced and enjoyed some quick weight loss. During the contest a lot of belly fat and excessive weight were lost.

The object of the promotion was to promote and market the effectiveness of Xyngular's quick weight loss products and to show you how to lose weight quickly.  As you can see, the pictures above are testaments of the effectiveness and validity of Xyngular's claim that their products work. 

To David, the Xyngular’s 60 Day Body Transformational contest was an excellent motivation, because he was fed up with the condition of his once athletic physique.

David saw the challenge as the final motivational step he needed to achieve his goals and transform his body back to the lean, athletic machine he used to be. When he heard about the contest, he knew right away that it was something he just had to be apart of.
Below is a part of his story as printed in the Xyngular "Connexion" an online magazine for Xyngular distributors and customers.

“This challenge was such a motivator for me,” David said. “I wanted to get healthy, I wanted to set an example for my Xyngular team and show everyone what was possible through our incredible products.”

As the challenge began, David re-dedicated himself to nutrition, workouts, and Xyngular’s IGNITE program, and the results came quickly, but not without a test of faith first!

“After my third day on the IGNITE program, I wasn’t feeling or seeing the lost weight and inches that I was expecting,” David said. “My brother, Christopher Whitaker, who’s also a Xyngular Distributor, told me to stick with it and that the results would come soon."Well, it did and let me let him tell you the story.

"I lost 9 pounds in my first week, and then 16 pounds during round 2. After my 10th day on IGNITE, I felt a new energy that I hadn’t felt in years! I was going to the gym, doing tough workouts, and feeling better than ever! I literally felt like a new man!” 

Despite winning Xyngular’s 60 Day Challenge and the prizes that go with it (an IGNITE pack worth $226.90, 2 boxes of XYNG samples worth $144.00, and $1,000 in cash!), David says, "the rewards are far greater than that."

"I feel like a walking billboard for Xyngular-the products and system work, and I am a walking example of it. I feel like I’m setting an example for my team, showing them that it is possible to lose pounds and inches and feel better-I know because I’ve done it!” 
David is one of the many people experiencing success with Xyngular's quick weight loss system. As you can see, he looks great after loosing all that belly fat.  You can See more success stories here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

Lose Weight in Two Weeks?  Yes It is Doable!

Can You Lose Weight in 2 Weeks?

I market products for people who feels like they have already tried everything under the sun in terms of pills, potions and diets in order to lose weight in 2 weeks but with no success, like Tanya did before she found this...

Do you know anyone who might like to know about products like these? 

Do you know anyone who might want to lose some weight in two weeks?
Do you know anyone who is now trying to lose some weight, but having a hard time losing 1lb?

Do you know anyone struggling to keep the weight off?
If you do then Tanya pictured above, story could be an inspiration to them.

You Can Actually Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

This is what Tanya had to say about her two weeks weight loss journey.

"After having 3 kids and a prescription medication that caused me to gain 60 pounds, I was ready to try something new. I thought I’d tried everything by that point and I would have done anything to lose the weight!"

"A friend approached me about making money and losing weight. Skeptical, but curious, I asked lots of questions, sampled some product, went online to do research, then went for it."

"I ordered... and... I was excited when my... package came in the mail just a few days later. I was even more excited a week after that when I had dropped 6 pounds! I used the... regularly, and used the... as a pick-me-up."

"By the end of the second week, I had lost 11 pounds! I ended up losing over 40 pounds in 9 months with minimal exercise!"

"I've gone from a size 14 to a size 4 (and the 4's are getting baggy). I couldn’t have done it without these products. They helped me lose the weight, keep it off, and make me a happier, healthier person while I did it!"
"Thank You...!"

-Tanya W.

Tanya's story is typical to successful... weight loss stories.  As you read, she lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks.  Your experience with... lose weight in 2 weeks, may be different.  None-the-less the weight loss programs work quickly with minimal alteration to your eating habits and life style.

Do you know anyone who might like to lose weight in 2 weeks and may want to know more about products like these and like to try them? 

I need your help.  Has this been helpful to you?  Let me know what you expected or how I can make this more useful to you.  Leave me a comment below.

About the Author: Germey is a budding multi-interest blogger who prefers to enjoy the many spices of life. He finds pleasure in guiding people to take control of their health, their wealth and their happiness. You can reach him by email: jovialgwt2@gmail.com or text @ 510-239-6735 or just leave your positive comments or questions here on this blog.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Does Rising Obesity Rates Add to Arthritis Woes?

Can Obesity Add to Arthritis Woes?

Obesity is stirring up some new concerns. It seems that arthritis is becoming rampant among people who are obese.  This call for major concerns because the excess weight is causing major problem in the form of arthritis.

In people with arthritis, obesity is associated with disease progression.  People suffers from reduced activity and disability which creates poorer quality of life.  Many people end up having total joint replacement and then suffer from poor outcomes after joint replacement.
According to Yahoo!News, "For the study, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers analyzed Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data from 2003 to 2009 and found that obesity prevalence among adults with arthritis was 54 percent higher than among adults without arthritis."
"During that time period, obesity prevalence among U.S. adults with arthritis increased significantly in 14 states and Puerto Rico, decreased in the District of Columbia and remained about the same elsewhere."
"The number of states in which more than 30 percent of adults with arthritis were obese increased from 38 (including D.C.) in 2003 to 48 in 2009. The number of states in which more than 40 percent of adults with arthritis were obese increased from zero in 2005 to seven in 2007 and 12 in 2009, the investigators found."  Sorry Yahoo NEWS dropped the URL...
Since January 2011, I have been following some people who have had remarkable gains in their weight loss goals and getting rid of chronic bodily pains with ease. Many are now living pain free.  You can see some of their stories here: weight loss.

Thanks for stopping.  

Sincerely for your weight loss success.

Germey Baird
P.S. Has this been helpful to you?  Let me know what you expected or how I can make this more useful to you.  Leave me a comment.

About the Author: Germey is a budding multi-interest blogger who prefers to enjoy the many spices of life. He finds pleasure in guiding people to take control of their health, their wealth and their happiness. You can reach him by emailjovialgwt2@gmail.com or text @ 510-239-6735 or just leave your positive comments or questions here on this blog.