Saturday, April 30, 2011

Will The Fake News Sites Promoting Acai Berry Weight Loss Hold up in Court

Posted on FTC Site-FTC Seeks to Halt 10 Operators of Fake News Sites from Making Deceptive Claims About Acai Berry Weight Loss Products

Internet Marketers Falsely Claim Endorsement from ABC, Fox News, CBS, CNN, USA Today, and Consumer Reports, FTC Alleges

Will the fake news sites hold up in court? The Federal Trade Commission is requesting federal courts to temporarily halt the allegedly deceptive tactics of 10 operations using fake news websites to market acai berry weight-loss products.  The FTC seeks to permanently stop this misleading practice and has asked courts to freeze the operations’ assets pending trial.

According to the FTC, the defendants operate websites that are meant to appear as if they belong to legitimate news-gathering organizations, but in reality the sites are simply advertisements aimed at deceptively enticing consumers to buy the featured acai berry weight-loss products from other merchants.

The FTC complaints allege that typical fake news sites have titles such as “News 6 News Alerts,” “Health News Health Alerts,” or “Health 5 Beat Health News.”  The sites often include the names and logos of major media outlets  – such as ABC, Fox News, CBS, CNN, USA Today, and Consumer Reports – and falsely represent that the reports on the sites have been seen on these networks.

An investigative-sounding headline on one such site proclaims “Acai Berry Diet Exposed:  Miracle Diet or Scam?”  The sub-headline reads, “As part of a new series:  ‘Diet Trends:  A look at America’s Top Diets’ we examine consumer tips for dieting during a recession.”  The article that follows purports to document a reporter’s first-hand experience with acai berry supplements – typically claiming to have lost 25 pounds in four weeks.

“Almost everything about these sites is fake,” said David Vladeck, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.  “The weight loss results, the so-called investigations, the reporters, the consumer testimonials, and the attempt to portray an objective, journalistic endeavor.”  Get the full story here.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Exercises to Lose Weight

Lose Weight Following an Exercise Plan

Photo by: Getty Images

Stars like LeAnn Rimes, credit their weight loss to good old fashion exercising.  Time have proven and shown over and over that a good consistent and regular exercise routine will shed some weight off you. 

Below is a video by FitnessBlender, consisting of 8 simple cardio exercises.

I chose this video for the simplicity of the exercises.  I also like the video because of how FitnessBlender, show you how to do each exercise before they actually ask you to do them. 

The routine consist of 8 different exercises that you do for 45 seconds each, such as: 

Delayed Pendulum Swing/Hop...
Jumping Jacks...
Lateral Cross Lunges/Jumps...
4Jacks + Steps + 2 Crossover Jumps...
Lateral Burpees...
Running Man Kicks...probably the only one that would give you a real challenge with your balance...
2Hops Squats
Side Lunges + 2 Jacks

They are all body weight, so you will not need any equipment. Here is the video.. 

Quick Sweat Cardio Workout to Lose Weight & Burn Belly Fat Fast

I believe that anyone in somewhat good health without physical constraints can learn to do these.  If you are greatly overweight it may take you a little bit longer to learn and complete the routine, but it is learn-able. 

The exercises are simple but if you put in some efforts to and increase your speed as you get stronger, you will be surprise of the results you will get in 8 minutes.

This is just my own suggestion,  I would recommend that you add some dancing before your routine or after your routine.  Especially the type that makes you sweat, such as country and western line dancing.  

Dancing could help loosen you up and act like a warm up or cool down. It makes you feel good.  There seems to be a correlation between weight loss and feeling euphoric. 

The most  important thing here is for you to start and stick to a regular schedule, your plan, and be consistent.  Review your progress at 15 days intervals.  After you have learn the routine you may want to increase your time to 50 seconds and then to 60 seconds.
The next most important thing here is to incorporate your exercise routine with a  wholesome healthy meal plan consisting of lots of fiber.  You can continue eating what you love to eat as long as you also consume a lot of fiber and drink plenty of water daily.

Now, I understand that sometimes for whatever reason certain things get in the somehow find yourself not being able to exercises, (maybe you are too busy or tired at the end of your day) or at a plateau where you are not losing anymore weight, or  obese or have a medical condition that prevents you from doing physical exercises. 

If you fall in any of those situations, I can still help you.  Take a look at the stories on this page Weight Loss Stories.

I am all ears, so let me know what you'd like to see featured here.  What you want to hear about?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How To Lose Weight Jenny Craig/Sara Rue

How To Lose Weight Safely

Photo by: Getty Images

 Jenny Craig, been around for awhile teaching people how to lose weight and because of their success track record they have attracted some celebrities.  Most recently they got Sara Rue, who lost 50 lbs in 16 months, on their personalized weight loss program and wore her first bikini ever.   I'll have more on Miss Rue below. 

I like the ease and options that Jenny Craig gives you to start what they say is a Clinically Proven Weight Loss Program.  They provide you with a customize program to be most effective for you, that allows you to lose an average lose 1-2 lbs per week; however, with some restrictions

My First Bikini
 Taken from Sara Rue’s blog, “First, I’d like to clarify that I am NOT wearing a bikini as I type this.  It is true, however – as many of you probably know by now – that I did put one on as recently as yesterday for a TV and magazine shoot for Jenny Craig.” 

She continued to say…Not that I’d ever known what one felt like before the shoot BECAUSE I HAD NEVER WORN ONE BEFORE! True story.  And surprisingly, one with a very happy ending.  Because it was kind of awesome, you guys!!”  Get the whole story at the link above.

Miss Rue sounds very excited about her experience with Jenny and her first ever bikini.  I f you’re looking to lose 1-2 lbs a week then Jenny Craig may be for you.  I like that they identify your weight loss mindset. That can be very important for your journey. 

I also understand that you may not only want to know how to lose weight but also how to lose it quickly.  If losing weight quickly and safely appeals to you, I may have something for you.  If you’re one who wants to comfortably lose more than 1 to 2 lbs a week, check out these other weight loss success stories who lost up to 15 lbs in 8 days.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Want to Know How To Lose Weight Naturally?

How to lose Weight Naturally With Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes

Originally posted by Maggie Schoonmaker, Delicious Living  
Mar. 29, 2011 4:19pm

Rebecca Bilodeau, RD, Creator of 21 x 12 Wellness Challenge was recently interviewed by Maggie Schoonmaker, of  Delicious Living on how to lose weight naturally.  The following is Rebecca's response to the interview.

Create a healthy lifestyle. The mind, body, and spirit connection is a web with health at the center; no individual string is isolated. Make sure to get enough sleep, manage stress, and maintain positive mental health so you don’t undermine good nutrition or give in to unhealthy cravings while dieting.

Eat more whole foods. Focus on nutrient-dense whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid most processed and packaged foods, especially those with 135 mg or more of sodium per serving and 5 grams or more of sugar. 

Connect with food’s flavors and textures, and chew fully. This will make you more mindful of good portion size, which is about one recipe serving size, a handful of a snack, or a small plate for a meal.

Adopt habits gradually. Make small, manageable changes. Start with daily nutrition fundamentals: five servings of fruits and vegetables, low-glycemic carbs to stabilize blood sugar, and eight to nine glasses of water. 

Healthy diets should increase energy. New habits, such as getting more sleep or working out regularly, take about 21 days to form, so add a new one each month.

The Xyngular Core4 System.  If you have a more aggressive goal and would like to have a little boost in your weight loss journey and lose up to 15 lbs in 8 days,  Xyngular maybe able to help. 

Before I tell you all about Xyngular and its array of supper weight loss products,  I invite you to take a look at some very happy folks embracing the Xyngular ideals

Friday, April 22, 2011

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Fat and Happy

Ah! I was wondering what ever happened to "Weird Al" Yankovic, then I found him fat.

I just ran across an old,  can I call him a musical enigma from the 80's.  Well I thought you may like this classical treat by "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Loose Belly Fat Now

Do You Need to Loose Belly Fat?

Loose Belly Fat Now

I found an interesting article  on “belly fat in men,” by the Mayo Clinic staff.  If you're carrying around an inner tube on your waist line this may shed some light on you. But before I talk about the article and why you should loose belly fat now,let me tell you what prompted me to look up the info. The other day two of my grown sons along with their fiancees came by the house and we ended up having a family meal.

Before the night was over we had gathered and were bonding and I noticed that my younger son  had a sizable stomach.  I told him about it. He looked at me laughingly and said, “it is inherited.” He then went on to say that we all have excess belly fat.  I smiled back and pointed out that mine wasn’t as big as his and that it would be a great idea for him to work on loosing his belly fat.

Well, his comment stroked a nerve in me and that prompted me to research belly fat and how to best lose it. Part of my research took me to the Mayo Clinic and thus the article.

Excessive Belly Fat: According to the article, having excessive belly fat is nothing to joke about.  It is one of those cases where you don’t want to be in on that band wagon, especially if you are a man.  From reading the article, I got the feeling that if you are a man with an inner tube around your waist line, You are walking in a land mine.  For a man lots of belly fat, can be downright risky.

Most men with excess belly fat and a waistline measurement above 40 inches, increases their risk factors for such lethal disease such as: Heart disease, High blood pressure, Stroke, Type diabetes, High triglycerides sleep apnea and many more.  What’s your waistline measurement?

Belly Fat Difficult to Lose: Some people have a difficult time loosing their belly fat but most people can get rid of it by reducing caloric intake, by eating less at each sitting or eating wholesome low calorie foods.  Increasing physical activities is also an excellent way to loose belly fat.

Are you one of the millions of men who think you can effectively loose belly fat just by doing sit-ups?  If you are, think again.  One of the best way to loose belly fat, until now is to increase your daily activities by getting a whole body workout.  One such whole body work out that can be done safely is walking.

However, some people just have too many constraints and confining conditions that prevents them from being able to increase their daily physical activities.  If you are one of these people and you want to loose your belly fat, don't dis pair  help is at hand hereIf fast, healthy weight loss is in your immediate goals, you may find this useful.

We have hundreds of testimonials attesting to the effectiveness of this simple non invasive program to help you loose belly fat and over-all weight.

Help Me Lose Weight

I got a Feeling that Xyngular Ignite - Weight Loss Explotion
will Help Me Lose Weight

Xyngular Superstar and Silver Director Brandee Clark, had heard about the Xyngular’s opportunity and turned it down many times, eventhough she was silently saying help me lose weight.  Because she’d never done Network Marketing before and didn’t know how it worked or what to do.
An amazing thing happened, after feeling her life transformed through using Xyngular’s products, she felt , she just had to share it with the world! Now, as a Silver Director and fantastic Xyngular leader, she’s feeling better-both health wise and financially-than ever before!

Now she is going around with an open ear, waiting for the opportunity to hear someone whisper, "help me lose weight."  The following is part of her story as featured in Xyngular's Connexion, an online newsflash!

“I started CORE4 in July 2009 and lost some weight and felt great but with all the summer activities, I didn’t really stick with the products. About a year later, I was introduced to XYNG and I knew right away that I was not going to let any busy schedule get in the way of me taking what I now call my “miracle” pill! I was given 2 pills in the beginning, one for me and one for my husband Jeff."

"I am a person that is wide awake 6-7 times each night. So when I took the XYNG the first day and didn’t really feel anything I was thinking, ‘great something else that didn’t work for me!’ I went to bed and the ALARM CLOCK woke me up the next morning, I couldn’t believe it!"  And that's understandable, things don't always show up in the form we would want.  She may had been saying, "help me lose weight," but here she was getting a good night sleep."

"I got up and got ready for work and noticed that my husband had not taken his XYNG and it was still on the counter so I took it. That is the day I will always remember because within 30 minutes I felt the energy and mental clarity and I had to remind myself to eat, and again I slept all night the second night!"

"I did the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM the last week of August 2010 and lost 10 pounds in 8 days and since then I have lost a total of 30 pounds and 8 inches! I have never felt this good in all my life and I thank Xyngular every day for that ! I love shopping for clothes that are 4 sizes smaller and instead of buying an XL shirt I can now buy a medium!"
-Brandee Clark  Burlington, Kansas 

Ok!  You had a chance to see some real success stories in the video above and you read about Brandee but hold on, I've got some more success stories for you here

Ready to Loose Belly Fat?

Are You Ready to Loose Belly Fat?
  Xyngular’s 60 Day Body Transformation Challenge Took David Whitaker Down 34 Pounds + Losing 23 Inches   
The event was a huge success. I am talking about Xyngular Corporation, recent 60 Day Body Transformational contest, where a lot of belly fat was lost.  I am sure the object of the promotion was to promote and market the effectiveness of Xyngular's weight loss products.  As you can see the pictures above are testaments of the effectiveness and validity of Xyngular's claim that their products work. 

The Xyngular’s 60 Day Body Transformational contest was an excellent motivation for David, who was fed up with the condition of his once athletic physique.  

He saw the challenge as the final step he needed to achieve his goals and transform his body back to the lean, athletic machine he used to be.  I can imagine how he wanted to loose some belly fat.  This is a part of his story as printed in the Xyngular "Connexion" an online magazine for Xyngular distributors and customers.
“This challenge was such a motivator for me,” David said. “I wanted to get healthy, I wanted to set an example for my Xyngular team and show everyone what was possible through our incredible products.”

As the challenge began, David re-dedicated himself to nutrition, workouts, and Xyngular’s IGNITE program, and the results came quickly, but not without a test of faith first! “After my third day on the IGNITE program, I wasn’t feeling or seeing the lost weight and inches that I was expecting,” David said. “My brother, Christopher Whitaker, who’s also a Xyngular Distributor, told me to stick with it and that the results would come soon. 

The next day, I realized he was right as the pounds and inches started melting off! I lost 9 pounds in my first week, and then 16 pounds during round 2. After my 10th day on IGNITE, I felt a new energy that I hadn’t felt in years! I was going to the gym, doing tough workouts, and feeling better than ever! I literally felt like a new man!”  I can imagine how he felt especially since he was also loosing belly fat.

Despite winning Xyngular’s 60 Day Challenge and the prizes that go with it (an IGNITE pack worth $226.90, 2 boxes of XYNG samples worth $144.00, and $1,000 in cash!), David says the rewards are far greater than that.

I feel like a walking billboard for Xyngular-the products and system work, and I am a walking example of it. I feel like I’m setting an example for my team, showing them that it is possible to lose pounds and inches and feel better-I know because I’ve done it!”  Don't he look great after loosing all that belly fat? See more success stories here.